What is the actual image of specialized education for the needs of the tourism industry? Which is the role of setting up regional competence centers in tourism? Are the educational programs in line with the needs of employers? How to enhance the image and status of hospitality high schools in our society? Do we have a clear vision about the quantity and types of workforces in tourism in, for example, 2028? Are we employing unqualified workers in tourism because we lack the qualified ones?
The answers to those and other related questions 10 panelists tried to answer, attending the roundtable “Education, employment and workforce market in Croatian tourism” organized by High School of Zabok and Faculty of Economics and Business from University of Zagreb. One of the panelists – representing Croatian Meetings Professionals Association – was Aleksandra Uhernik Đurđek, CMPA’s Education Program Director. Among other programs, CMPA has been conducting a certificate program Certified Croatian Meetings & Events Professional, completed by most Croatian colleagues in MICE industry.