Show our Hosted Buyers how much you can do for them. Za registraciju molimo ispunite formu... i ne zaboravite na kraju pritisnuti Submit Registration Form. Hvala! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.You are registering as *Standard Exhibitor (25 meeting slots)Service Provider (10 meeting slots)You are a *Conference HotelBoutique/Luxury HotelMeeting/Event VenuePCODMCPCO + DMCDestination Wedding PlannerEvent AgencyTourist Board / Convention BureauTechnology provider (including apps and software)F&B ProviderTransport companyOtherPlease specify your main activity *Did you attend MEETEX 2023? *YesNoAre you CMPA/HUPKT member? *YesNoYour Company Official Registered Name *Your Company Brandname *OIB / VAT number *Website / URL *Official Company E-mail *Offical Company Phone *Postal codeCityStreet and numberPlease upload your Company Logo up to 8 MB (.png / .ai / .eps, / high quality .jpg) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Company Description (for basic publishing and presentation purposes, up to 800 characters) *How many persons from your company will be attending meetings at MEETEX 2023?1 representative2 representatives3 representativesWhich options would you like to use to boost your performance on MEETEX 2023? *Additional representativeAdditional 10 meeting slots (available only for Standard exhibitors)Main sponsorPlatinum sponsorshipGold sponsorshipStandard sponsorship2 posts on MEETEX Social Media Channels5 posts on MEETEEX Social Media ChannelsLive presentation up to 15 min (video + ppt + live presentation + interaction)Video screening on the big LED screen in the main room during breaks, up to 1 minVideo screening on the big LED screen in the main room during breaks, up to 3 minNo, I don't want any optionsPlease describe the details of your additional choices (duration of videos, how many screenings, live presentation details etc) For Sponsorship plan please contact directly or of the 1st representative on MEETEX *FirstLast1st Representative's mobile phone number *1st Representative's e-mail *1st Representative's function *1st Representative's photo (up to 2 MB) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Name of the 2nd representative on MEETEXFirstLast2nd Representative's mobile phone number *2nd Representative's e-mail *2nd Representative's function *2nd Representative's photo (up to 2 MB) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Name of the 3rd representative on MEETEXFirstLast3rd Representative's mobile phone number *3rd Representative's e-mail *3rd Representative's function *3rd Representative's photo (up to 2 MB) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please suggest a few Hosted Buyers you would like to see on MEETEX 2024; please have in mind that we do not repeat buyer for at least 3 years, unless under special circuimstances (earlier departure from previous edition/s, pandemics etc).I expressely declare that I voluntarily provide all the upmentioned information and data to the organizers of MEETEX 2024 (HUPKT - HRVATSKA UDRUGA PROFESIONALACA KONGRESNOG TURIZMA and INOVATIVNI EVENTI d.o.o.) and agree that my data can be processed and used solely for the purposes of registration and participation at MEETEX 2024 including the publication of my data on MEETEX website and within MEETEX mobile app. *I agreeI have red and I agree with The General Terms And Conditions, accesible from the link below, from Exhibitors section on and from MEETEX webpage Footer *I confirmSpecial notes or remarks for the OrganizerWebsiteSUBMIT REGISTRATION FORM