Please complete this form and help us preparing an even better MEETEX 2023! Thank you! Survey form is ment to be anonymous - unless you yourself choose otherwise. We thank you for you time and honesty. When rating, 5 equals "excellent", and 1 equals "poor" Thanks! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.How would you rate the registration process? *54321How would you rate overall communication with MEETEX Team prior to the event? *54321How would you rate MARCOM Meeting Scheduler? *54321How would you rate Zoom platform for online meetings? *54321Were you satisfied with the lenght and the number of meeting slots? *YesNoIs there something you would change about meeting slots?How would you rate the quality and profile of MEETEX exhibitors? *54321Please name your top three exhibitors in terms of skills in presenting their offer: *Did you like the concept of the program in general? *YesNoAny particular observation about the content?Please list the presentations and/or promotional material you liked the mostHow would you rate our First Keynote speaker - Prof. Dr. Oliver Kesar *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Second Keynote speaker - Prof. Dr. Rob Davidson *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Third Keynote speaker - Ivana Kolar *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Fourth Keynote speaker - Prof. Dr. Riina Iloranta *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Luxury Food & Spices Speaker - Francois Louyot *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Luxury Yachts Incentive Speaker - Alenka Radovic Pevec *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our first Destination Weddings Speaker - Ines Nanic *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our second Destination Weddings Speaker - Iva Kraljevic Licardo *54321Wasn't attendingHow would you rate our Photography Tutorial by Vanja Melnik *54321Wasn't attendingWould you reccommend MEETEX to colleagues from the industry?YesNoAnybody in particular you think we should invite to apply for Hosted Buyer status for MEETEX 2023?How would you rate your satisfaction with MEETEX Virtual Help Desk? *54321How would you rate the organization and your overall satisfaction with MEETEX 2022? *54321We would be grateful if you could leave us your short testimonial which we would use in promotional purposes. You are free to choose if you want to sign it, or remain anonymous; if you opt for anonymity please state your country.If you have any suggestions on what we should improve or things we should do differently, please share your thoughts with us. Thank you!NameSubmit