Please complete this form and help us preparing an even better MEETEX 2020! Thank you! Survey form is completely anonymus. We thank you for you time and honesty. When rating, 5 equals "excellent", and 1 equals "poor" Thanks! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.How would you rate the registration process?54321How would you rate MARCOM Meeting Scheduler?54321How would you rate the quality and profile of MEETEX exhibitors?54321Which type of exhibitors from Croatia would you like to meet and were note present at MEETEX 2019?Is this your first trip to Zagreb?YesNoAnd to Croatia?YesNoHow would you rate meet&greet and arrival transfer service from Zagreb airport?n/a54321How would you rate overall communication with MEETEX Team prior to your arrival?54321How would you rate overall communication with MEETEX Team during your stay?54321Were you satisfied with the lenght and the number of meeting slots?YesNoIs there something you would change about meeting slots?Please rate our speakers - Dr. Rob Davidsonn/a54321Please rate our speakers - Mrs. Mirjana Matesic (UNICEF)n/a54321Please rate our speakers - Dr. Sc. Mr. Zoran Bahtijarevic, MDn/a54321Please rate our speakers - Mr. Joe Basic (MPG)n/a54321Please rate our speakers - Mr. Igor Kovacevic (ICCA)n/a54321Please rate our social events program and venue - The Westin Zagreb, 17th floor, Welcome dinnern/a54321Please rate our social events program and venue - Esplanade Zagreb, MEETEX Galan/a54321Have you participated in any of sport/wellbeing activities?Breathe. Relax. Meditate. by WellMeFeel Good Yoga by WellMeMorning Run with GoranWould you suggest any other sport/wellbeing activity?How would you rate MEETEX Venue - The Westin Zagreb Hotel54321Please rate the hotel you stayed at - The Westin Zagrebn/a54321Please rate the hotel you stayed at - Sheraton Zagrebn/a54321Please rate the hotel you stayed at - Canopy by Hilton Zagrebn/a54321Please rate the hotel you stayed at - Esplanade Zagrebn/a54321Please rate the quality of F&B - MEETEX Get Together Welcome dinner, The Westin Zagrebn/a54321Please rate the quality of F&B - MEETEX Lunches, The Westin Zagreb n/a54321Please rate the quality of F&B - Franck Coffee Point at Westin Ballroomn/a54321Please rate MEETEX Networking Experience - Discover Zagreb in a Photo huntn/a54321Please rate the quality of F&B - MEETEX Theme Gala Dinner, Esplanade Hoteln/a54321Do you think you got a good overview of Zagreb as a host destination?YesNoAny remarks or suggestions about the destination?Please name 3 exhibitors with whom you would most probably start to cooperate after MEETEXWould you reccommend MEETEX to colleagues from the industry?YesNoIf you have any suggestions or contacts you would like to share....If you visited any other destinations in Croatia Pre or Post MEETEX, please share with us which onesHow would you rate the overall organization of MEETEX 2019 and its concept?54321If you have any suggestions on what we should improve or things we should do differently, please share your thoughts with us. Thank you!CommentSubmit