Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions for exhibiting on MEETEX 2020
Contractual sides represented in these Terms and Conditions are: CMPA Croatian Meeting Professionals Association (in Croatian: HUPKT Hrvatska Udruga Profesionalaca Kongresnog Turizma) from Zagreb as the Main Organizer, and Innovative Events Ltd. from Sveta Nedelja as the Technical Organizer (jointly in the forthcoming text: Organizers) and both potential and confirmed exhibitors (in the forthcoming text: Exhibitors) at MEETEX 2020 - Croatian Meeting Industry B2B Exhibition, to be held in Zagreb 09-11.03.2020.
Registration application
Once submitted, the registration application form is a legally binding irrevocable document, representing Exhibitor's free will to participate at MEETEX 2020. The Organizers reserve the right to decide upon admitting the submitted application forms. When Exhibitor's application is admitted, the Organizers will send the quotation for the registration fee to the Exhibitor. Only upon receipt of the downpayment/deposit specified in the quotation the registration will be considered as confirmed and valid.
The Organizers are not obliged to consider application forms received after the deadline(s) as presented on the www.meetex.eu/exhibitors-2020.
Prices and registration fee
Prices/registration fees for Exhibitors are clearly stated on www.meetex.eu/exhibitors-2020. The prices are in EUR without VAT, and for Croatian entities will be payable in HRK (Croatian Kuna) at the exchange rate valid on the date of issuing the quotation.
Fees are based on the time of the payment of the deposit, as defined and stated on www.meetex.eu/exhibitors-2020.
Registration fee includes one person/company representative per registration. Every Exhibitor can register more persons/representatives at an additional fee.
Payments will be collected only via standard bank transfers, based on Organizers’ quotation. Credit cards or any other form or payment will not be accepted. Payments will be processed by the Technical organizer.
The downpayment/deposit is non-refundable. Details about eventual refunds can be found under the „Cancellation“ section below.
Exhibitor categories
There are two categories of exhibitors: Standard Exhibitor and Event Services Provider Exhibitor. Under Standard Exhibitor Organizers will accept all venues, hotels, PCO, DMC and similar travel and/or tourist agencies, destination marketing agencies, Tourist offices, Convention Bureaus etc.. Service providing companies such as AV and IT technology providers, catering services, transport companies and similar can apply for Event Services Providers Exhibitor status.
The Registration for Standard Exhibitor includes:
Exhibition area aprox dimensions 1,5 x 2 m in the Crystall Hall (The Westin Zagreb Hotel)
Exhibitor's name board
1 table
4 chairs
Floor carpet
Area cleaning (daily)
One representative per exhibitor
Listing in the MEETEX catalogue (1 page entry - except for Last Minute registrations)
Listing on the MEETEX website www.meetex.eu
Listing in the MEETEX event app
Listing in and full access to the on-line meeting scheduling platform, with up to 25 meeting slots (50 with optional second Diary, subject to extra charge)
Catering throughout the event
Participation on all MEETEX business, networking and education activities
Free wifi access at the venue
Abbility to show promotional materials including movies at the big screen inside the main MEETEX room (subject to extra charge)
The Registration for Event Services Providers Exhibitors includes
Exhibition area aprox dimensions 1 x 2 m in the Crystall Hall Lobby (The Westin Zagreb Hotel)
Exhibitor's name board
1 cocktail high table
2 high bar chairs
One representative per exhibitor
Listing in the MEETEX catalogue (1/2 page entry - except for Last Minute registrations)
Listing on the MEETEX website www.meetex.eu
Listing in the MEETEX event app
Listing in and limited access the on-line meeting scheduling system with up to 5 meeting slots (only with Optional Mini Diary, subject to extra charge)
Catering throughout the event
Participation on all MEETEX business, networking and education activities
Free wife access at the venue
Abbility to show promotional materials including movies at the big screen inside the main MEETEX room (subject to extra charge)