Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions for Hosted Buyers on MEETEX 2021
MEETEX – Croatian Meeting Experience Summit, March 16-18, 2021
(MEETEX 2021 Working Week)
1. Introduction
These terms and conditions govern Your participation at MEETEX 2021 – Croatian Meeting Experience Summit, which is co-owned and operated by Croatian Meeting Professionals Association, whose registered office is at Zagreb, Amruševa 10 and Inovativni Eventi d.o.o. (Innovative Events Ltd.), whose registered office is at Sveta Nedelja (Zagreb), Croatia, Industrijska 1 (“the Organiser”).
2. Online Event Registration
By registering for MEETEX 2021 Working Week in March 2021, You agree to and accept these terms which form a binding legal contract between the Organiser and the registered Applicant/Buyer (“You”, “Your(s)” or “Buyer”). Please print these terms and conditions and keep a copy for Your records.
Your registration (upon approval) entitles You to access MEETEX 2021 for which You have registered. Any and all costs associated with Your attendance shall be borne by You. The Organiser shall have no liability for such costs.
3. Buyer Registration for MEETEX 2021 Working Week
a. Submission of the application form indicates applicant’s interest in participating at MEETEX 2021 as a Buyer. To qualify for the Buyer status applicants must be an agency, association or corporate buyer who are/is responsible for planning, organizing, recommending or making financial decisions for events outside their home country. Application will be reviewed and applicants will be confirmed at the sole discretion of the Organizer's Team.
b. Buyer who will qualify for MEETEX 2021 must re-confirm his participation by e-mail latest one week after receiving the positive feedback from Organizer's Team.
c. When confirmed, Buyer's participation at the MEETEX includes:
- Buyer’s personal diary of pre-scheduled appointments with Croatia’s key industry players
- Buyer's profile in the event directory
- access to MEETEX appointment scheduling system with detailed overview of all exhibitors
- access to online Meetings 1-on-1 platform
- access to online Content, Education and Presentations
- opportunity to be elected for Live FAM Trip planned to take place in September 2021.
4. Buyer's Attendance at MEETEX 2021 Working Week
a. Buyer's attendance includes participation on MEETEX 2021 online sessions held from Tuesday, March 16 through Thursday, March 18, 2021. Outside this schedule Buyers will have flexibility to choose the timings of their online appointments to accommodate their daily work/life schedule. There will be a Chat option available, so youi will be able to have a private chat over the platform during the MEETEX and 30 days after it is finished.
b. Every Online Appointment has 15 minutes slot, to allow enough time for establishing connection and resolving any unforseen situation. Total duration of the online appointment should not exceed predicted 15 minutes but can be shorter.
c. Buyers are required to:
- actively participate in the Online Appointment Programme
- request a minimum of 15 pre-scheduled Online Appointments
- attend a minimum of 15 pre-scheduled Online Appointments with Exhibitors to qualify for FAM Trip opportunity.
d. Attendance at all Online Appointments is compulsory. Buyers are expected to attend all sessions scheduled in their diary. Appointments must be attended on an individual basis.
e. Buyers must be able to conduct fluent communication in English on a business speaking level as English is the official MEETEX language.
f. It is Buyer's responsibility to secure the laptop with integrated camera, as well as internet connection at his location with upload speed which is sufficient for performing a high-quality audiovisual communication (minimum 20/20 Mbit). It is strongly reccommended to use the headset (earphones with integrated microphone) when having online meetings, in order to avoid audio feedback.
5. MEETEX 2021 Live FAM Trip
a. The selection of Buyers which will be offered the participation on Live FAM Trip will be done by MEETEX Exhibitors after the Online Appointments will be over, by mean of voting for the best Buyers. In case of failing to complete the minimum number of Online Appointments, Organizer reserves the right to decline the Live FAM Trip.
b. Live FAM Trip details will be defined together with Organizer's Partners (Tourist Boards, Hotels, etc.) and will depend on epidemiologic conditions. It is planned to take place in September 2021, however it can be pushed for later date if conditions will not be acceptable in September. Duration, number of participants and itinerary of the FAM Trip will be defined in timely manner. However, it will include covered travel and accomodation costs and programme visiting most important Croatia's meeting destinations.
c. As the major part of MEETEX Live FAM Trip(s) will be organized and financed by Croatian National Tourist Board and Local Tourist Boards of included destinations, the final dates, number of attending Hosted Buyers, destinations, duration and programme of the Live FAM Trip are out of Organizer's full control. Therefore MEETEX Organizer cannot be held responsible for any eventual problem, change or complaint regarding the Live FAM Trip, but will certainly do everything in their power to make the FAM Trips experience the best possible.
6. Failure to comply
a. Attendance at MEETEX 2021 Working Week will be monitored by the Organizer's Team. Failure by any person to comply with the requirements stated above may result in a review of the person’s Buyer status and/or exclusion from MEETEX 2021 Working Week.
b. A significant shortfall by the Buyer on the minimum commitment with respect to attending Online Appointments shall be treated by Organizer as a no show and/or non-attendance as per the ‘No Show’ section below.
c. All Buyers are required to attend all the Online Appointments that appear in their diary. As no shows and/or non-attendance negatively affects each Exhibitor’s diary, any Buyers who are no shows and/or non-attendance to the Online Appointments will incur liquidated damages of €150 [one hundred fifty euro]. Reviews of no shows will be dealt with case by case by the Organizer's Team and in exceptional cases proof shall be required to determine the outcome of each no show.
7. Cancellation of attendance and replacements
a. Cancellation of already confirmed Buyer must be received in writing and confirmed by the Organizers Team. Cancellations received before February 15th, 2021 do not incur any fee. Cancellations after February 15th, 2021 and/or no shows will incur liquidated damages of €150 [one hundred fifty euro], which is a reasonable representation and pre-estimate of the losses and costs to be incurred by Innovative Events Ltd. for the previous and current administrational schedule changes.
b. Any Buyer who exercises a cancellation due to medical reasons must provide a medical certificate within one (1) week of notification. For the avoidance of doubt, all medical certificates must be in English, not hand written, and with an official stamp and/or signature.
c. Any Buyer who exercises a CoA due to medical reasons and fails to provide a medical certificate within one (1) week of notification will be charged any applicable liquidated damages, as per clause 7. a.
d. In case of Cancellation a suitable Replacement Buyer from the same company may be proposed. Organizer's Team may choose to accept that replacement only after reviewing his/her fully completed application form. Organizer's Team reserves the right not to accept the replacement Buyer, and charge a fee in accordance with clause 7.a.
e. If a Buyer is chosen by MEETEX exhibitors for the Live FAM Trip, and if she/he confirms its attendance to Live FAM Trip, there will be costs which will incure for the organization of the FAM Trip for each individual Buyer. In case the Hosted Buyer's no-show or late cancellation of participation, the MEETEX Organizer will follow the requests by Croatian National Tourist Board and/or Local Tourist Boards and charge the Hosted Buyer with any costs related to his/her no-show or late cancellation.
8. Payment
Any liquidated damages owed will be payable by the Buyer within fourteen (14) days of the closing date of MEETEX 2021 Working Week. Innovative Events Ltd. will provide the Buyer with an invoice in respect of such costs.
9. Data Protection
By accepting the Buyer status, all Buyers are consenting to their contact details being made available to all exhibitors as well as all official event partners and sponsors, what may include the presentation of Buyer's details in MEETEX Online Appointment scheduling platform, MEETEX event app and other MEETEX marketing activities (the latter only in accordance with GDPR). Hosted buyers authorize MEETEX Organizers to collect their personal information and use it only for the purpose of their participation on the event and according to the Organizer's Privacy Policy (avalilable at and GDPR.
10. General
All matters and questions not covered by these Terms and Conditions are subject to the decision of the Organizer, including eventual restrictions, changes, bans or cancellations related to the show itself which might occur by the Force Majeure, Act of God, disease outbreak, or simply due to the decision by Croatian Government to ban public gatherinngs, in which cases the Organizer cannot be held responsible for financial or any other loss whatsoever. Foregoing Terms and Conditions may be amended or added by the Organizer at their discretion. The Buyer agrees to abide by any and all amendments and changes by the Organizer as well as rules and regulations set out in the present Buyers Terms and Conditions, with Buyer as one, and Organizer as the other contractual party.
Zagreb, December 2020.